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od 1.máj 2010


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Kardioklub SK is a nationwide, voluntary, patient organization, registered at the Ministry of interior on 2.6.2006. Our organization began as a patient initiative, resulting from the need to meet more often, stay in contact and help each other. So Kardioklub SK was formed as a voluntary group with the aim to bring information and services for patients with cardiovascular diseases, for their family and friends from the whole of Slovakia.
The basic meaning and aim of existence of Kardioklub SK is to help people with cardiovascular diseases in solving their social, economic, psychological and social interests and needs but also permanent improvement in their health and social conditions.
This mission of Kardioklub SK is realized by different forms of activities made in the frame of club agency. Members of our club include professionals like lawyers, economists, psychologists, educators but also specialists from other areas of human activity.

Our main activities are:

1. permantly deepen the cooperation between patients, their relatives and professional medical proffesionals
2. educating members in healthcare and social problems and helping solve possible social crisis

3. ensures social/legal help to members

4. bring to light and point on deficiencies in social care, acitvely and with concrete suggestions help to imrove the disfavourable situation in the area of social care of people with heavy health problems resulting from a cardiovascular disease
5. initiate and help with founding new cardioclubs in each region of Slovakia with the goal to create a favourable space for communication and counseling activities.

6. organizing cheaper stays at health resorts for members and their families

7. informing the public about the existence of cardiovascular diseases, their prevention and treatment by the means of publication activity and web page

8. help in the area of social inclusion and solving social impacts of diseases

9. developing and cultivating international activities, cooperation with similiar organizations and institutions abroad


In our counseling activities we constantly communicate with goverment institutions such as the Ministry of health, professional organizations, health insurance companies etc.

Postal address :
Kardioklub SK
kupele Sliac
96231 SLIAC

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